One of the most refreshing sensations swirling out of our domestic music scene, is last years´ introduction to a true force of nature; WITCH CLUB SATAN.

These three Witches do something else entirely. Witch Club Satan is a feminist Black Metal band, shining new, fresh and forward thinking light to the darkest of all genres. Mentored by Necrobutcher from Mayhem himself, they are combining their theatrical background with a ferocious, yet gentle live mass. The live experience is on a different level all together. Their music is cold, primal and punishing, their attitude the same.

Witch Club Satan will replenish our church of riffs with elements primarily unseen.

TICKETS: https://bit.ly/HS-festivalticket23
SPOTIFY PLAYLIST: https://bit.ly/HS23-Spotify
NEWSLETTER: https://bit.ly/HostsabbatNews